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Syphilis Spreading in Japan? What are the STDs to watch out for when sexing in Tokyo?

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What is syphilis?

Syphilis is a complex infectious disease primarily caused by the bacterium known scientifically as Treponema pallidum. This disease is notably transmitted through direct contact with small wounds or breaks in the mucous membranes or skin. This transmission can occur during intimate activities, including kissing or engaging in various forms of sexual contact such as oral and anal sex, with someone who is currently infected with syphilis.

Approximately three weeks after the initial infection, individuals may notice the development of noticeable lumps or ulcers, which can appear on the genitals, anus, or even around the mouth. Following this initial presentation, the disease enters an incubation period that can last anywhere from one to three months, culminating in the emergence of a rash that can spread across various parts of the body.

Despite the fact that syphilis symptoms can sometimes resolve on their own without any form of medical treatment, it’s crucial to understand that the underlying disease continues to progress silently. A significant challenge with syphilis is that it may not always produce noticeable symptoms, or the symptoms that do manifest can be easily overlooked, making the infection particularly difficult to recognize promptly. This can lead to a dangerous delay in seeking and receiving the necessary diagnosis and treatment.

For individuals who are concerned about the possibility of being infected, especially in the absence of clear symptoms, seeking out testing is a proactive step.

Neglecting timely testing and treatment, or choosing to ignore the need for treatment altogether, can have severe long-term consequences, including the development of critical complications affecting the brain and heart as time goes on. Furthermore, it’s worth noting that syphilis can cause inflammation of the mucous membranes, thereby increasing an individual’s susceptibility to contracting other serious infections, such as HIV.

Since 2015, syphilis has increased rapidly, especially among women in their 20s!

Since 2015, Japan has witnessed a remarkable surge in syphilis cases, particularly alarming among women in their twenties. This trend marks a significant shift from the stable figures seen in the 1990s when annual cases consistently fell below the 1,000 mark. The escalation became particularly noticeable in 2013 when the number of reported syphilis cases soared past 1,200. This upward trend continued sharply, reaching 2,690 cases in 2015 and further swelling to 4,575 cases by 2016, signaling an unprecedented rise in recent years.

The data indicates a particularly stark increase among female patients, with the last decade seeing a twenty-five-fold surge in cases. Notably, a significant portion of these cases involves women in their twenties, highlighting a demographic particularly at risk.

The implications of syphilis during pregnancy are severe, with potential transmission to the unborn child leading to congenital syphilis. This condition can have devastating outcomes, including stillbirth, premature birth, neonatal death, or the baby being born with various disabilities.

Analysts attribute this dramatic increase in syphilis cases to a change in sexual behavior patterns, particularly the rise in casual sexual activities facilitated by social networking platforms and a diversification of sexual practices. Interestingly, this rise in syphilis cases does not correlate with increases in other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as gonorrhea, genital chlamydia infection, or AIDS, which have remained stable.

The interconnectedness of modern society, often illustrated by the “six degrees of separation” theory, suggests that indirect contact networks could facilitate the spread of syphilis. Given its lengthy incubation period, the disease poses a sneaky threat to public health.

This risk is compounded in Japan, where recent economic downturns due to the coronavirus pandemic have led to a noticeable increase in the number of freelance street sex workers, known colloquially as “Tachinbo.” Despite the illegality of such activities, economic desperation has driven many women to the streets in search of livelihood, significantly heightening their risk of contracting and spreading STDs, including syphilis.

The spread of syphilis is not confined to metropolitan centers but has also been observed in regional cities, exacerbating the challenge of containment. This trend reflects broader societal shifts, including the economic impoverishment of the older generation and a general lowering of sexual behavior standards across society.

A case in point is the sharp rise in syphilis cases in Hokkaido, where the numbers leaped from 43 in the 21st week of 2007 to 320 in the corresponding period of the current year, marking more than a sevenfold increase.

This surge places Hokkaido as a close contender to Aichi Prefecture, which reported 328 cases and is poised to become the second-largest syphilis transmission area after Tokyo and Osaka. A significant number of these cases were reported in the Sapporo health center area, home to a bustling entertainment district. Many individuals diagnosed with syphilis had visited hospitals after patronizing sex establishments, underscoring the link between the sex industry and the spread of this STD.

The rapid increase in syphilis cases in Japan, especially among young women, highlights the need for enhanced public health strategies. These should include increased awareness, improved access to testing and treatment, and more robust efforts to address the socio-economic factors contributing to the spread of STDs.

Sex store use is still the most common reason for men to contract syphilis, accounting for half of all cases!

Finding the cause of the increase in infections is difficult, but one possibility is transmission from the sex industry. The National Institute of Infectious Diseases releases the results of a survey on “Trends in Syphilis Cases in Japan” every three months. According to the latest data, about 40% of male infected patients have used the sex industry (2-3% have engaged in it) and about 40% of female infected patients have worked in the sex industry (1-2% have used it).

Furthermore, according to a 2018 Health and Labor Science study, 58% of 60 female cases over 20 years old who tested positive for syphilis antibodies at a clinic in Tokyo were employed in sex industry-related jobs, and 17% were students.

A study in Okayama City found that in 2017, 71.2% of male syphilis patients (42 of 59) had used a sex establishment within the past few months, and 25.9% of 30 female patients were engaged in the sex industry. From these data, it is clear that many cases are transmitted through the sex industry.

However, even though there are many sex industry-related syphilis infections, the proportion is only about 40% for both men and women, including both users and those engaged in the sex industry. Where are the remaining 60% infected?

Changing attitudes toward sex are contributing to the spread of syphilis.

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Dating and marriage activity apps exploded around 2013, and a form of prostitution that uses these apps is “papa katsu. Originally, it was called “papa-katsu (finding a suger daddy)” because the relationship is similar to that of a daughter begging her father for pocket money. Currently, men who lack money use the Papa Katsudo app to meet young women as if they were going to a sex club, and the women knowingly accept their requests.

However, the men do not have the financial base to surround themselves with mistresses on their own, and multiple men surround one woman. Therefore, the composition is such that when a woman infected with syphilis by a daddy’s girl is infected, it spreads quickly.

What is worrisome is that the “desire for marriage” is receding among young women, and we can speculate that the diversification of sexual behavior among some sexually active young women may be leading to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

For example, marriage used to be an “up-marriage” that increased a woman’s social and economic position, but now there are many “down-marriages,” which are the opposite.

Once married, they are expected to earn an income to help with the family finances, and housework, childcare, and nursing care are unilaterally imposed on them. Because the Internet is full of such information, some women think, “Then I should not get married and satisfy my sexual desire through sexual intercourse that does not lead to marriage.

On the other hand, sexual attitudes seem to be changing even after marriage. In a survey in a women’s fashion magazine once published, we were surprised to find that about 14% of women (mainly in their early 20s and 30s) answered that they have a partner (sex partner) other than their boyfriend or husband, and it is not surprising that this percentage is increasing now.

What is Syphilis Prevention? What to do if you have it

The basic prevention of syphilis is to avoid sexual intercourse with an unspecified number of people and to use condoms. However, condoms alone do not provide 100 percent protection. This is because the infection is spread through a variety of sexual activities. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine for syphilis.

And while condoms are not totally powerless, they are too inadequate to prevent it to the same degree as HBV. In fact, there is no end to the number of people who have contracted syphilis despite using condoms.

However, syphilis is a “curable disease. If neither vaccines nor condoms can prevent it, then it is enough to ensure that “if you get infected, you get treated.

How to Avoid Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Including Syphilis, When Visiting Japan</h2
To avoid sexually transmitted diseases, including syphilis, when visiting Japan, it is important to do safe practices in sexual intercourse. Specific measures include always using a condom when having sex with a new partner and practicing proper hygiene before and after sexual intercourse.

It is also important to be knowledgeable about sexually transmitted diseases and to seek medical attention as soon as possible if symptoms appear. Getting immunizations and testing for sexually transmitted diseases before traveling is another way to reduce risk. These precautions can greatly reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and are essential for a safe and healthy travel experience.

It is also recommended that you avoid nightlife with a high risk of STDs, such as sex services that are too inexpensive or standing up. It is also advisable to avoid sexual contact with women in clubs or with ordinary women who seem to have frequent sexual intercourse. There is no need to be overly fearful, but it is recommended that you enjoy your visit to Japan with an understanding of the current situation in Japan.

Avoiding Syphilis and Other STDs

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To mitigate the risk of contracting syphilis and other STDs, it is essential to employ effective contraception strategies. Condom use is particularly crucial as it significantly reduces the likelihood of transmission during sexual encounters. Beyond the basic practice of using condoms, choosing sexual services that prioritize health and safety can further safeguard against STDs.

It’s advisable to select brothels or escort services that have a clear, consistent policy for regular STD testing for all their employees. Establishments that offer suspiciously low prices may cut corners in areas critical to your health, such as regular health screenings for their workers. This neglect increases the risk of STD transmission, making it imperative to choose services that maintain high standards of health and safety.

Best Escorts Tokyo exemplifies the type of service that prioritizes the health and safety of its clients and staff. With a roster that includes models, entertainers, cabin attendants, and other professionals of high social standing, Best Escorts Tokyo commits to rigorous health safety protocols. This commitment includes regular and comprehensive STD testing for all staff members, ensuring that every interaction meets the highest standards of health and safety.

By choosing Best Escorts Tokyo, you’re not just opting for premium service; you’re also choosing peace of mind. Our thorough approach to preventing STDs means that you can enjoy the companionship of our esteemed staff without compromising your health or safety. We understand the importance of discretion, health, and safety in our services, and we go above and beyond to ensure that all possible measures are taken to prevent the transmission of STDs.

In summary, when seeking sexual services, prioritize establishments that value health and safety as much as you do. Look for transparency in health safety practices, regular STD testing, and a reputation for quality and professionalism. By making informed choices, you can significantly reduce your risk of contracting syphilis and other STDs, ensuring a safer and more enjoyable experience. Choose services like Best Escorts Tokyo for a responsible approach to pleasure, where your health and safety are paramount.

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