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Experience Japanese unique genitalia worship festivals.

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Genitalia worship in Japan is a practice with a deep cultural and religious background dating back to ancient times. It reflects the history of festivals and rituals in which people have used genitalia as symbols to pray for fertility and prosperity.

This unique belief, found throughout Japan, has evolved over time, blending different customs and beliefs from different regions. This article explores in detail the origins, historical background, and evolution of genitalia worship in Japan up to the present day.

When did genitalia worship begin and change?

Genital organ worship in Japan is an ancient form of belief that has been practiced to pray for fertility, prosperity, and procreation. The origin of genitalia worship can be traced back to the Jomon period. During this period, many clay figurines were made in the shape of female genitalia, and these figurines were revered as having magical powers. For example, the “Jomon Venus” and “Shakugi Dogu,” representative clay figures of the Jomon period, were shaped to emphasize the female reproductive organs and were used to pray for fertility and prosperity.

During the Nara and Heian periods, genitalia worship merged with Buddhist and Shinto beliefs. In the Buddhist-influenced Seiten worship, the deity Seiten (joyous heaven) was worshipped as a symbol of harmony between men and women and prosperity of offspring. In Dosojin worship, Dosojin was worshipped as a deity that protected the boundaries of the village, and stone statues in the shape of male and female genitalia were erected.

In the Middle Ages, amidst warfare and social unrest, the desire for fertility and prosperity of offspring became even stronger. During this period, genitalia worship developed into unique festivals and events in each region. For example, in the “Shrine Mairi of Hieda” in Nagasaki Prefecture, women before marriage would visit a shrine and hold a ritual using a sacred object in the shape of male genitalia.

After the Meiji period (1868-1912), genital organ worship was suppressed for a time in manners and customs under the influence of Western culture. However, it has persisted as a local tradition and continues to the present day. For example, at the “Naked Stone Shrine in Himeokayama” in Hyogo Prefecture, village daughters visit the shrine in spring and continue the custom of worshipping a stone that represents the male genitalia.

Genitalia worship that continues to this day.

Genitalia worship that continues to this day.

Genital organ beliefs have been part of traditional Japanese culture since ancient times to pray for fertility, prosperity, and offspringhood.

However, due to modernization and the influence of Western culture, these beliefs gradually declined. Especially after the Meiji period (1868-1912), as Western values and Christian ethics permeated Japanese society, sexual beliefs and rituals gradually came to be condemned and regarded as taboo.

Furthermore, during the period of rapid postwar economic growth, advances in science and technology and the rise of rationalism led to a decline in interest in faith and traditional culture. As a result, festivals and rituals related to genitalia worship were scaled down, and gradually remained only as traditional events limited to local communities.

However, genitalia worship has remained a part of Japanese traditional culture since ancient times and has been handed down to the present day. This belief continues to exist, albeit in different forms, as festivals and events throughout Japan, and plays an important role in strengthening local cultural identity and community cohesion.

“Harvest Festival” at Tagata Shrine in Aichi Prefecture

Particularly famous is the “Harvest Festival” held at the Tagata Shrine in Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture. This festival is held annually on March 15, and is primarily intended to pray for a bountiful harvest and the prosperity of offspring. Tagata Shrine is known for its worship of the gojintai (sacred object), which is a symbolic representation of the male genitalia, and a giant wooden male genitalia, the gojintai, is at the center of the festival.

On the day of the festival, local men parade around the shrine carrying this gigantic ojintai. This portable shrine procession continues from Tagata Shrine to Ogata Shrine, about 1.5 km away. Participants in the procession proceed with the o-mikoshi upheld while praying for a bountiful harvest and prosperity. Along the way, visitors can be seen touching the sacred object and taking pictures.

The origin of the Harvest Festival is not known, but it is an ancient festival that has its roots in prayers for a bountiful harvest in an agrarian society. During the period when agriculture was a major industry, a good harvest and the breeding of livestock were fundamental to people’s lives, and festivals to pray for these were held in great numbers.

The sacred body of the Tagata Shrine symbolizes the birth of life and prosperity, and it is believed that this portable shrine, shaped like a male genitalia, is carried to bring about a bountiful harvest and the flourishing of offspring. The festival also includes a ceremony in which women sprinkle rice in a sacred place in the fields, another important ritual to pray for a bountiful harvest.

The modern Harvest Festival is not only an agricultural ritual, but also an important local tourism resource. Every year, many tourists come to see this unique festival, contributing to the revitalization of the local economy. During the festival, local stores and food stalls are set up, and the entire community is enveloped in a festive atmosphere.

Furthermore, the Harvest Festival is an opportunity to strengthen the unity of the local community. Many local residents participate in the preparation and operation of the festival, and community bonds are strengthened through joint work. For the younger generation in particular, it is an important opportunity to learn about traditional culture and develop an awareness of being part of the community.

Let’s enjoy the unique festival of genitalia belief!

Thus, Japanese genitalia worship is a traditional belief in praying for fertility, prosperity, childbirth, and safe delivery. There is a custom of worshipping a sacred object symbolizing the phallic or female genitalia, which is widely seen especially in the Tohoku and Kanto regions.

One of the most famous festivals is the “Kanamara Festival” in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, where a huge phallic-shaped portable shrine is paraded through the city. The Hourai Festival in Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture, features the carrying of a wooden phallic sacred object, while the Gobashira Festival in Suwa City, Nagano Prefecture, involves the ritual erection of a giant wooden pillar. These festivals can be enjoyed throughout Japan.

These festivals are great opportunities to experience local culture and traditions, and are interesting events for tourists as well. You will be able to feel a part of Japan’s rich cultural heritage. Why not go and have some fun?

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Other genital worship festivals

In addition to the Harvest Festival at Tagata Shrine, other festivals related to genitalia worship are held throughout Japan. Genital organ worship festivals, including Toyonensai, have been a part of Japanese culture and beliefs from ancient times to the present. These festivals not only pray for fertility and prosperity, but also play an important role in strengthening local identity and community ties. They are also highly valued as a tourist resource and continue to be loved by many people. The culture of genitalia worship is an essential element in understanding Japanese history and tradition, and will continue to be carefully preserved.

Kanamara Festival (Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture)

The Kanamara Festival is held every year on the first Sunday in April at Kanayama Shrine in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture. This festival, also known as the “Iron Phallic Festival,” is a traditional event that has continued since the Edo period.
▶︎ KANAMARA Festival

The centerpiece of the festival is a huge phallic-shaped portable shrine, the pink “Elizabeth Mikoshi” and the black “Iron Phallic Mikoshi,” which parade through the city. The purpose of the festival is to pray for the safe birth of a child, marital bliss, and the cure of sexually transmitted diseases.

The festival also attracts attention as part of the campaign to eradicate AIDS. Many tourists and foreigners visit the festival, making it a very lively event.

genitalia worship in Kanamara festival

Omihashira Festival (Suwa City, Nagano Prefecture)

The Omihashira Festival is a large-scale festival held once every seven years at Suwa-taisha Shrine in Suwa City, Nagano Prefecture. This festival includes a ceremony in which a wooden pole, symbolizing the phallic figure, is carried from the mountain to the shrine and erected. The wooden pole is a huge tree with a diameter of more than 1 meter and a height of more than 20 meters, and the sight of this wooden pole being carried is extremely powerful.

The Mikabashira Festival is the largest festival in the Suwa area and is an important event that deepens the bonds between the people of the region. The festival, which is held to pray for a bountiful harvest and prosperity, attracts a large number of tourists and is a lively event.

▶︎ Onbashira Festival

Mara Kannon Festival (Nagato City, Yamaguchi Prefecture)

The Mara Kannon Festival in Nagato City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, is held annually in April and enshrines a number of phallic-shaped stone statues. The festival is especially dedicated to prayers for fertility, safe delivery, and healing from venereal diseases, and is sponsored by the Mara Kannon Temple. On the day of the festival, many visitors come to the temple to touch the stone statues and make their wishes. Traditional local dances and music are also performed to liven up the festival.

Awashima Shrine Festival (Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture)

The Awashima Shrine Festival in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture, is held every March and enshrines a phallic-shaped wooden deity. The festival is especially dedicated to prayers for the safe delivery of children and childbirth, and is sponsored by Awashima Shrine. On the day of the festival, many visitors come to the shrine to touch the wooden sacred object and make their wishes. Traditional local dances and music are also performed to liven up the festival.

These festivals symbolize the traditional Japanese belief in genitalia and are held to pray for fertility, prosperity, children, and safe delivery. Each region has its own distinctive rituals and gojinshi, providing a unique cultural experience for visitors.

Konsei-sama, the sacred object in Japanese genitalia beliefs

Kinsei (Konsei-sama) is a traditional Japanese belief that enshrines a phallic-shaped deity. This deity is called Kinsei Daimyojin or Kinsei-sama, and is sometimes referred to by a variety of phallic symbolic epithets. Kinsei is in the form of an erected phallic organ, signifying a powerful, golden phallic body. The deity originated in genital worship associated with fertility and production, and is said to be beneficial for childbearing, safe childbirth, marriage, healing of venereal diseases, and prosperous business.

Shrines dedicated to the golden spirit exist throughout Japan, but are especially common in the Tohoku and Kanto regions. Representative shrines include Makibori Shrine in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, and Kinshinsha Shrine on the border between Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture, and Katashina Village, Tone County, Gunma Prefecture, both of which worship a phallic-shaped deity. Kinshin is also often enshrined at hot spring resorts. This is because hot springs are considered to be female-oriented, and by enshrining Kinshin, a phallic object, the deity hopes that the hot springs will continue to spring forth without drying up. Osawa Onsen in Hanamaki City, Iwate Prefecture and Steaminoyu Onsen in Kazuno City, Akita Prefecture are typical examples.

Dosojin (god of blockage) also sometimes has a phallic-shaped deity, and is often confused with the golden spirit, but these are fundamentally different deities. However, in some areas, such as Tochigi Prefecture, there are cases where Kinshin and Dosojin have merged. Belief in the spirit of gold takes the form of prayers offered to a phallic object made of stone, wood, or metal.

Thus, the gold spirit is one of Japan’s traditional genitalia worship deities, and is widely believed in, especially in eastern Japan. It is believed to bring many benefits such as fertility, production, childbirth, and safe delivery, and each region has its own distinctive beliefs.

Lets enjoy these unique festivals for Japan’s traditional genitalia worship

Japanese genitalia worship is a traditional belief that prays for blessings such as fertility, prosperity, childbirth, and safe delivery. There is a custom of worshipping a sacred object symbolizing the phallic or female genitalia, which is widely seen especially in the Tohoku and Kanto regions.

One of the most famous festivals is the “Kanamara Festival” in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, where a huge phallic-shaped portable shrine is paraded through the city. The Hourai Festival in Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture, features the carrying of a wooden phallic sacred object, while the Gobashira Festival in Suwa City, Nagano Prefecture, involves the ritual erection of a giant wooden pillar.

These festivals are great opportunities to experience local culture and traditions, and are interesting events for tourists as well. You will be able to feel a part of Japan’s rich cultural heritage.

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